Monday, November 13, 2006

Synopsis 4- Fairy Dust

This dreamy story is about Rosie, who is nine and lives with her mom in a cottage in Scotland. When they move in Rosie sees fairies, she can't believe her eyes, but can’t tell her mom because she doesn’t believe in them. Rosie sees again that fairy called Snowdrop, in her neighbour's cat mouth. She saves her and keeps her to cure her at her house for a few days. So Snowdrop invites Rosie to the fairies party. It is beautiful and Rosie is super happy. During the party Snowdrop faints. Rosie doesn't hear news of her for days. But then a wee man says to her that Snowdrop has the ending illness, and it's the only disease that can kill a fairy. Fairy's get this illness when they are forgotten. After searching and searching, Rosie finds the kid from which Snowdrop was created, and she makes the hole city remember of that kid, and Snowdrop is saved.

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