Monday, March 26, 2007

Piazza Unità- Historical Entry

Piazza Unità not only is the biggest piazza in Trieste and Italy, it is the biggest European piazza facing the sea. Every citizen of trieste is very attached to this plaec, and it is a very popular meeting place. It was called Piazza Unità d'Italia the 25 of April 1955, it took this name because in 1918 Trieste finally joined Italy. In Piazza Unità there have always been all the most important political and social buildings. Since its first years, circa 1400, it had the magistrat building and people always used it as a physical reference point. In the middle of the piazza there is a fountain, it has four statues at the sides, each one has an animal on it. The four animals reppresent the four continets: Europe is reppresented with a horse, America a crocodile, Africa a lion and Asia with a camel. There is no Australia because it hadn't been discovered yet. In Piazza Unità there is the municipal building from the 1800, and also the very famous Caffè degli Specchi. It was build in 1839 and its a beautiful place to eat and drink tea. I love Piazza Unità and I'm very proud of it!

1 comment:

Matteo Z said...

Dear Micaela,

You wrote a very interesting blog with lots of pieces of information. However you should improve the spelling and grammar.

Best regards

Matteo Z