Monday, January 22, 2007

Science Entry- Static Electricity

Francesca Alessandra and me are doing a project on static electricity. Static Electricity is the build-up of charges on an object. The electric charges build up but do not flow. Charges must be transfered from an object to another to build up. There are three methods: Friction, Conduction and Induction. Friction is by rubbing . Conducition is the transfer of electrons by direct contact. Induction is the movement of electrons to one part of an object by the electric files of another object. But an object that gains a static charge doesn't hold it forever. When a negatively charged object and a positively charged object are brought together, electrons move until both objects have the same charge and so thet are neutralized. The loss of static energy charges off an object is called Electric Discharge. Electric discharge an also happen in yourself.If you walk on a carpet and then touch a metal door knob, you may get a very small electric shock. The shock is a form of electric discharge.

1 comment:

Alessandra B said...

Fantastic entry! It was very interesting as well as descriptive. You should just make sure you re-read it for mechanical errors...