Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Synopsis 9- Kiss and Kill by Sam Hutton
Maddie, Alex and Danny have another crazy adventure. Mickey Stone, boss of criminality in UK, escapes from prison, with PIC (secret police agents) knowing and wanting to follow him to discover the 'Snake Pit'. Found it, literally a National Congress of all Illegal Businessman. Mickey's son, Eddie is present. Maddie enters undercover. Mickey's henchmen almost kills Eddie, putting him in a fridge-cell, but Maddie saves him. He and Maddie go to Paris, Eddie wants to destroy Stonecor empire since he can't take control. Maddie begins to trust him on the train, Eddie is very sweet with her, until he sees his father on the train following him. Eddie pulls out a gun but Danny, another PIC trainee takes him over but he isn't a good fighter. A gun shot. The bullet hits Mickey's arm, Eddie throws himself out the train' s window. Maddie feels almost sad for the man that ordered his mother's murder.
Drama Entry-Midsummer Night's Dream
In Drama we are performing " A Mid-summer Night Dream" of William Shakespeare. The play
is about a fairy and a human world, of love messes and disasters. I play the role of Oberon, the fairy king and husband of Titania. He and Titania fight over a boy that Oberon wanted as his henchmen. To make Titania madly love him again he sends Puck to take a flower who's liquor would make "man or woman madly in love with the next living creature it lays its eyes upon." They make peace. He helps also the four human protagonists: Hermia, Demetrius, Helena, and Lysander, to put things in order. But Puck mixes up the two man. Instead of making Demetrius in love with Helena and Lysander with Hermia, he makes both of the boys madly in love with Helena, which before wasn't liked by anyone. Puck repeats the magic and things go the right way. Lysander with Hermia marry, and Demetrius with Helena also do.

Monday, January 22, 2007
History- The Blitzkrieg
The Blitzkrieg, "the lightening war" was a new style of warfare used by the Germans to start and during World War Two. The Blitzkrieg transformed battle tactics and began new peri
od in military history, it was in direct contrast with the large scale battles during World War One. Germans first tried their new tacit against Poland. In the Blitzkrieg they used loads of new weapons including Panzers. Panzers were strong, highly mobile, armored units that advanced rapidly through the frontier lines and spitted the opposing armies so that they would be easier to be dealt with later, by the occupiers. The Blitzkrieg worked astonishingly well. The Polish lasted two weeks, but the Germans won. Then they took over Norway and Denmark in April 1940. In may they began to advance into Holland, Belgium and France. Already after a month, in June, they won Paris and so also France. The Blitzkrieg was very successful also because the Germans attacked by surprise, the German troops moved quickly, and they were the best armed soldiers.

Italian Entry-Romantic Age
In Italian we are studying Romanticism. Romanticism is a cultural movement during the end 1700s and the mid-1800s. It started in Germany with the movement "Sturm und Drang" , that means "Impeto e Assalto". It was introduced in Europe by the magazine 'Ateneum' .It arrived in Italy with the poet Giovanni Berchet, he promoted the modern writing and criticized the old classic culture. The people who followed Romanticism where said to be Romantics, in opposition to them where the Illuminates (Illuminism-cultural movement in the 1700. In 1818 the Italian Romantics put up a magazine called " The Conciliator". It showed the difference between " The old poetry, or of the dead" and " The new poetry, or of the living". The Romantics Era wast characterized by: Pessimism, Victimism, Heroism, Rebellion, wanting of Liberty, patriotism and naturalism. The Romantics also loved history, especially the Middle Ages. They were very patriotic mostly in those times, because Italy was ruled by a foreign country: Austria.
Science Entry- Static Electricity
Francesca Alessandra and me are doing a project on static electricity. Static Electricity is the build-up of charges on an object. The electric charges build up but do not flow. Charges must be transfered from an object to another to build up. There are three methods: Friction, Conduction and Induction. Friction is by rubbing . Conducition is the transfer of electrons by direct contact. Induction is the movement of electrons to one part of an object by the electric files of another object. But an object that gains a static charge doesn't hold it forever. When a negatively charged object and a positively charged object are brought together, electrons move until both objects have the same charge and so thet are neutralized. The loss of static energy charges off an object is called Electric Discharge. Electric discharge an also happen in yourself.If you walk on a carpet and then touch a metal door knob, you may get a very small electric shock. The shock is a form of electric discharge.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Synopsis 8-Deep End by Sam Hutton
eep end is a spies book, which sees as protagonists Maddie, Alex and Danny, three teenagers and Maddie is the youngest,beeing only 16. They are all PIC trainees and have a big and dangerous adventure. While alle the othere empolyees ere at a speciale event the needed a lot of security measures, Madie and Alex are checking flying lists of incoming planes, they wouldn't want suspicious peolpe arriving on this important date! A red dot appeared next to Grace O' Connors name . Something bad was occuring. Maddie and Alex fake to be Grace and Henry, they are took on an helicopter to a mansion. They now need to escape from that evil man. With Danny's help they escape help they get out. They tracked down that illegal business man and found more info on the Stonecor Society. Stonecor hided all the illegal stuff they did, they also killed Maddie's mother.

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